Wednesday already. Lots of talking (verbal and non verbal) and listening (closely or otherwise) and sharing. I will start with my going to the library – to experience Gerry O’Brien’s 7 Sunsets in the local history center.
Then off to the HMC, where the open education event and Artists’ talk were scheduled. I was able to put some additions up on the hub space. This blog is picture heavy – while the hub space has my written notes from each day and various found and made objects.
Sarah Gittins placed her scrolls on the wall. She carries one around each day, inviting anyone to add on.
Talks happened, play, confrontation, silence, Lunch (again much thanks to Yvonne and crew) vhs was watched, archive’s discussed. This was a word heavy day – I filled up my notebook. I have one more picture, from Tracy MacKenna and Edwin Janssen’s talk. At the V&A dialogue in the Olympia Leisure Centre I left my camera in my bag.
My evening’s event was the BYOPPT at Chamber East – I have loads of bad pictures of the fabulous presenters who made my evening extraordinary – but I will leave that to another post.
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