38 artists made work for the 2013 Fun A Day Dundee. We did it! Another successful year – Thanks to everyone who came out for our one-night-only exhibit/celebration. If you missed it, or just want to think fondly over some photos, here you go:
Lots of thanks go to Roseangle Cafe Arts for letting us use their space. They were an absolute pleasure, and so helpful. Their place was the perfect venue for the night’s festivities.
Here is the map of where all the artists had there work:
At the end of the room there were zines, books, and pamphlets to peruse.
Drawings by Theresa Lynn
Ianuarius by Nicola Prosser
750 Words by Jonathan Brodsky
A collection of books by Becca Clark
At the other end of the room, drawings from a handfull of Dundee artists, illustrated fun they had throughout January.
Here is work (top to bottom) by Alistair Wilson, Mai Mishima, Gerard O’Brien, Sarah Gittins, and Tara Chaloner
Drawings by Tom Wallace
A closer look at Sarah and Tara’s work
Flo Gordon’s Pretty Woman got a lot of looks.
There were also sculptural works represented.
This is Lada Wilson’s ‘Let There Be Light’
Morgan Cahn as a mad scientist with her specimens.
Hazel Saunderson shows off her postcards.
Mary Beth Quigley’s flying fabric creatures.
There were performances too.
Matt-R in ‘the Rose or die Rose – Roseangle Cafe Arts Fun A Day Dundee Two Thousand And Thirteen’
Local heros – Playground Tactics.
And here are a few more great pieces from the show – there just isn’t enough room for them all…
Matthew Randle’s Loch Fun
Liam Dunn (above) and Rosie Bartham (below) face to face.
Lucas Battich gave away his collection of watercolors: January Sun.
Jaime Chason’s ‘Loo A Day, Wee A Day’ gave people much joy. To the left is #Hopelessromance.
Gearaidh Mac Griogair’s colorful drawings brightened the room right up to the rafters.
Becca Greig’s Aultered postcards were looking good.
Vivienne Russell’s 31 days.
We cannot forget to say thanks to Graham Domke for organizing the after-party at Redd. A few of us brought our dancing shoes along…
Until the next time.
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