The Iceberg Installed

Spent the day at Tayside Recyclers installing my piece. I made a stop motion showing the process of building (from February) and installation (from today) – and here it is:

p.s. I am extremely tired and sore, and looking forward to another full day tomorrow.


Jonbro made a poster for the BYOPPT on the 13th. Now I just need to make my powerpoint. Spread the word – Fun and Free, 8-11.


Hello All,

We have extended the deadline to confirm participation until Friday June 1st.


This is a call for submissions for the first Dundee BYO.PPT (Bring Your Own Power Point) event. This is an opportunity to present your esoteric research, Youtube archeology, Lunch break doodles, and magical physics demonstrations. It is also an opportunity to recapture a much abused performance style.

You need only to give us a quick sentence about your topic, so we can compile publicity information, and ensure there will be enough content. You will be bringing you Powerpoint to the event on Wednesday June 13th, so there is plenty of time to make your presentation.

We want variety, so please forward this to anyone you think may be interested, or who needs a little prodding (for their own good) to try something new.

BYO.PPT events have happened many times internationally, and all that I have been witness too have been a blast, entertaining, and informative (not always all at once). If you cannot be a participant then at least mark it in your diary, and we will see you Wednesday June 13, 8pm at Chamber East.


There are two rules: You must have 20 slides, each displayed for 20 seconds, and you must present on a topic other than your day job, major, or primary field of study. While the first rule is bendable, the second should be strongly adhered to. We want to see Youtube archeology, lunch break doodles, correspondence with penpals, and magical physics demonstrations.

Relevant Details: The event will take place on Wednesday June 13, at 8pm, at the Fleet Collective on Panmure St. We will provide a projector, a mic, a computer running PowerPoint 2008 and Keynote 2008, and the ability to display a series of jpgs from a CD, or USB drive.

What We Need From You, The Participant
Confirmation by Friday June 1st. (email to

With: Name
One sentence biographical info
One sentence summary of your presentation topic

This event is part of Performing Worlds. More information on all the events in the festival can be found at

Made good food.

I somehow made delicious dessert – gotta write it down quick before I forget. I also need reassurance/proof that I can bake good wheat free stuff.

First off – pics or it didn’t happen time:

Here goes. This was the original recipe:

But I only loosely followed it for ideas about the basic premiss. I had loads of rhubarb (cheapo reduced style – say 3 thick stalks, 4 thin stalks) I cut them small. I also cut a container of strawberries in the same fashion. I added a pile of sugar to it , a little bit of corn starch, some salt, and vanilla flavor. I mixed that up and put it in some greased baking dishes.

Then I put lots of cornmeal and some porridge oats (3:1 ratio) also salt, and more sugar (I am addicted) I cut up the tiny bit of goat butter I had, but it wasn’t much, so I also added 2 eggs. I put that on top and finished with some sprinkled brown sugar on top.

I baked it on gas mark 4 for SO LONG. I wanted to eat it, it smelled good, but I wanted the top to get brown. It did (an hour maybe – with some rotation going on 1 or 2 times) and damn was it good!

In the picture you see on top it is deceiving because I needed to save space in the fridge so I layered one pan’s contents on top of the other; in reality the layers were pretty thin – which I think helped to get it all jellied together yet crunchy. The moral is basically rhubarb and strawberry are so damn good together.

What year is this?

Wow – how time flies.

The school year is nearly over! I am making an Iceberg (sculptural; out of foam)
Here is what it looks like outside and inside. 

I will put up more pictures once it is finished.


I have been making zines – Dundee had it’s first Zine Fair – and The Satallite Zine (DJCAD’s – which I am currently editor of) made enough to get a long arm stapler.

The skies in Dundee have been getting lighter and lighter. I want to spend lots of time outdoors this summer. I am SO behind on editing for Sylli G and my own projects! I better get on that – somehow there are always tons of exciting things (or dissertations) that take precedence. Perhaps with a long enough extension cord I can do both.


I really intend to keep this up more regularly.

xo Mo

more good pics – 




New Country

Hello  – So a lot has happened. I guess that is normal when my last substantial post was nearly a year ago.

Flight School went fabulously. I learned so much and met many great people. It really made me appreciate Pittsburgh, and then I left.

I finished my .gif a day in January. You can find them all at   Here is one of my favorites:

I made it to The Vermont Studio Center in May. I met many more great people and worked primarily on two things:

1) Writing, storyboarding, and filming for my first stop-motion video. I wanted a project to learn how to  use Final cut pro. As I am always in the mood to challenge myself, a simple little stop-motion seemed perfect. I ended up shooting it all in one day (one night and another bit of dawn) to catch some sunny Vermont weather. Here is the completed movie (I did the sound recording in Scotland) :

[vimeo w=398&h=224]

2) Applying to two Universities in Scotland. I was moving there after the VSC residency, so I hoped to find a way to stay after my visitor visa expired. I had help from folks in Pittsburgh and Vermont and it worked – I was accepted to both places. I chose Duncan of Jordanstone in Dundee.

I spent the summer in Edinburgh with Jonathan. The city is beautiful. I walked all over the place – Arthur’s seat, Calton hill, the castle, and the water Leith. My mom visited for a week during the Fringe Festival and we had a blast. I also made a commission for my friend  Justin Lim – a sweet hoodie for his performance in Kuala Lumpur.

I visited friends in NYC while getting my visa. I also visited the garment district in search of spandex and sequins and found more than I could ever want for. I even survived hurricane/tropical storm Irene.

Dundee is great. University is really fun – being around a ton of artists and not having a day job. I have been hanging out in the printmaking workshop all the time. I have been silkscreening, etching, did my first waterless lithograph, and made the whole place smell like curry during an experiment. I also joined a performance group.

I am one lucky lady.

Good Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Cookies

So – I really don’t bake ever – but I was craving cookies. I am allergic to wheat and looked up GF recipes. I found a good and simple one (which I can’t seem to find now) and set to. I realized I didn’t have any measuring cups or spoons. Estimation in baking does not lead to delicious baked goods.

Next time I had the right equipment and they were a bit better. 3rd time I had a vegan friend over and substituted 2 bananas for the egg – this was okay – but I found out later the proper ratio is 1:1.

And 4th time is the charm!

Check out this good recipe for Gluten Free and Vegan cookies.

Preheat your oven to 350

Take 1 cup smooth peanut better and 1 cup sugar and mix well.

Take 1 ripe banana and 1 teaspoon baking soda and mix well.

mix all that stuff up.

Put the cookie mix on a greased baking sheet a teaspoon at a time, rolled up in a ball. Once you have a baking sheet filled use a fork to smush them down a little and put a tiny piece of dark chocolate on top in the center. I would say about the size of a pinky nail.

Bake in oven about 10 min – till golden brown.

They need to sit outside the oven about 2 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

These are damn good.

Somehow I have made 4 batches of cookies without taking even one picture. Oops. You will have to trust me that they probably look just how you would expect them too. I will put in some other picture instead.


How is it April already!

I have been very busy – making art, applying to grants, residencies, shows, getting ready for the Vermont Studio Center in May, and a relocation to Scotland in June. Wow.

2010 Year in review

Hello. I did a few things this year. The most apparent to me right now, is my attempt to learn to touch type Dvorak. I am at twelve words per minute – which is real slow.

So anyhow – 2010!

I worked a bunch and got my crown in January. Not very fun, but important. Jonathan and I had our one year anniversary – whoo hoo.  For the first quarter of the year I had art in three group shows. I made some drawings for a zine – inspired by falling down an icy flight of steps and watching too much of the tv show House.

April was the start of a great season.  Jonathan and I started work on the garden. We turned over the backyard, that had been sheet mulched all winter, and made three rows to plant our seedlings. I quit my food service job, had a week off and then started my illustrious career as a Census Enumerator. (by career I mean Summer Fling with a Govt. Job)

Jen moved out, I watched two seasons of Drag Race in a week, on the internet, while hot glueing two massive fabric banners for my show at Morning Glory Coffeeshop in May. In June I worked on house stuff, Censused a ton, and got my pool pass. Jonathan and I visited Baltimore to see our friends (one of which was super pregnant) and hung out with J’s mom at the American Visionary Art Museum.

Summer was Hot. I drank lots of iced coffee as I made my way around different Pittsburgh neighborhoods with my Census bag, clipboard, and buddies; We swam in the river whenever we could, or went to the pool, after finishing all our work of course. July 16th was my newest friend’s birthday, and I got to meet her when she was 10 days old . In July I also made a four page comic with vinyl stickers. It was fun – but so slow. I will give you a sneak peak – it will be part of a book on extra terrestrial sexuality that comes out in 2011.

In August my Census days were over. I had some time to work on the garden. I spent some time working on puppets for an independent movie. I helped build some sets, puppets, and was a puppeteer in the movie. It should be out next year. Jonathan moved into my house too.

September was busy- Carlee moved out – still making puppets,  art show,  sweet Burning Man costume commission, still working at Paul’s Cds. October was another great month. It started with a hell of a weekend – VIA – great music, games, lights, lasers, food, dancing on stage, and lack of sleep. I had a movie shoot with the puppets Sunday after only two hours of sleep – when the shoot was over we ate a nice meal – and then went to VIA again for more music. Jonathan and I went to Seattle for my Grandma’s 80th birthday. It was great – I went to the Korean Day spa with my oldest friend, hung with Highschool buddies and ate tacos, and had a delicious Chinese banquet to celebrate my grandma . When we got back to Pittsburgh I had an interview and got accepted as the intern for the Flight School Fellowship. This internship is teaching me so much – I am gonna be so smart when this is over next April.

So now it is becoming Fall, stuff is happening, I have a little time on my hands, so I start researching Home Masonry and get to work on my basement.

I got a letter in November. At first I was bummed out. I got into a residency at the Vermont Studio Center – but I would have to pay over $2,000 to attend. I wasn’t thinking about how awesome it was to get in, because I figured I wouldn’t be able to go. Then I was recommended by friends to do a kickstarter project. Oh Dang! I made a video, told all my friends, and people hooked me up. I was able to make my goal to pay for the residency- and make some new art for people. One drawing is below:

I met J’s extended family for Thanksgiving and hung with the Baltimore Buds. I turned 30 on December 1st. For the rest of the month I kept on working in the basement, at Flight School, doing kickstarter, and staying warm. I learned enough basic html and photoshop to make Gifs. My Fun a day for 2011 will be a making a gif each day in January. There are a few more days left this year and I will be socializing with out of town guests. Life is good. I am learning so much and getting more into “this here 21st century.” I still don’t have a cell phone, but here concludes my first blog post.